Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rice Krispie Bars

"Peanut Butter Cup Rice Krispie Treats" - Uses peanut butter cups along with peanut butter and chocolate chips as add-ins

"Toasted Coconut Rice Krispie Treats" - Uses coconut flavoring and coconut (both toasted and untoasted) with the option of using toasted coconut flavored marshmallows

"Tiger Bars" - Uses corn syrup, chocolate chips, and butterscotch chips

"Mexican Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats" - Uses cinnamon and Cocoa Krispies with mini chocolate chips as an add-in

"Browned Butter Rice Krispie Treats" - Uses browned butter in place of regular butter

"Chocolate Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats" - Uses lots of peanut butter and semisweet chocolate

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